Karoline Osanitsch
July 6, 1931 - March 9, 2013
Roberson Funeral Home Light a candle Light a candle
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Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

Location Not Available
Tuesday 3/12, 5:00 pm

Karoline “Lina” Osanitsch, 81, of Port Charlotte, Florida, passed away Saturday, March 9, 2013 in Port Charlotte. She was born July 6, 1931 in Velimirovac, Yugoslavia. Karoline and her husband of more than 62 years, Leopold, immigrated to the U.S. together with their family, moving to Port Charlotte from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1992. She was…

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Rose Ann Gasparro left a message on March 24, 2013:
Fred and Leigh and family, So sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I remember meeting her at you house, and enjoyed her company. She was a lovely lady and so very proud of her family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Marylou and Keith Convery left a message on March 19, 2013:
Lina was such a special person and will be missed by many ,especially her family. Leo ,Leo,Lou our hearts go out to you all and your wives,children and grand children. I will always remeber with great fondness the dinners we had at McIntosh Drive (Poughkeepsie). She was one of the best bakers and cooks I will ever meet in my lifetime. I still make her cucumbers and dill sourcream. Her smile will stay with me always and the giggle. Marylou Convery
Vanessa Osanitsch left a message on March 15, 2013:
Gram, I miss you more and more each day. I know now you are no longer suffering and you can go back to doing the things you've missed over the years. Get back to rolling out your strudel or tending to your gardens, get crazy and go revisit the beautiful places you and Grandpa traveled to, like the Alps or Australia. Keep looking out for us here, we are a wild bunch and we'll need it, only this time it'll be easier since you can keep those eyes on all of us right from where you are. I'm going to miss your warm touch and the comfort of being right by your side (my safe place), your contagious laugh or your heart warming voice over the phone that called just to say Hi. I'm going to miss seeing that incredible loving bond you and Grandpa built over many loving years (I'm going to have that myself one day!) I tell you what Gram, I'm going to take everything you taught me along with our family traditions and put it to good use. If not one day to children of my own, then to my niece and nephews, I promise. We are all looking after Grumpy as well, he's still in love with you and always will be. You truly were one of a kind and I'm honored to say I was the youngest of your Grandchildren. Until we meet again my Angel in Heaven <3 I Love You, Nessy
Jack and Joan Sinnitz left a message on March 14, 2013:
We send our sincere condolences and our love to all the family.... May God bless her and all of your family You are wonderful friends and I am sure she is in a good place being taken care of. We lit a candle for her in church last Sunday. All our love and prayers to all of the loved ones...... Jack and Joan
Sharon Hobé left a message on March 12, 2013:
Mr. Osanitsch and Family, Our heart-felt condolences on the passing of your lovely wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother. I know my mother was happy to call her a friend. I can only hope that time will soften the pain of your loss and that you smile again at all your wonderful memories.... those no one can take from you and Lina will live on in your hearts and deeds forever. with sympathy, Sharon and Ruth Hobé
Roberson Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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