Ralph "Ed" Edward Kenyon
April 12, 1937 - September 17, 2024
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Ralph Edward (Ed) Kenyon, of 17520 Tuxpan Lane, Punt Gorda passed unexpectedly on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, after a recovery from a fall and broken ribs.  He was staying at the Port Charlette Re-Habilitation Center and looking forward to living in assisted care until he was well enough to return home. Ed was born in…

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Deb Ferguson left a message on December 6, 2024:
So sorry to see that Uncle Ed has passed away. I was doing Christmas card labels and was checking to see if he had an address change. Glad to know that he and Auntie Carole are reunited. My sincerest condolences to Ron and Laura and their families. Will always have fond memories of both of your parents.
Steve Leusner left a message on November 14, 2024:
My condolences Ron and Laura. I loved your Dad and he was one of my best bosses at GF. We talked fishing endlessly.
Robert Dodge McDonald left a message on September 22, 2024:
My wife and I live across the lake from Ed & Carol and moved here in February 1996. I was working at Dry Storage at Burnt Store Marine and Ed had a fishing boat stored there. That is when I met him and we became friends. Ed was always a very nice and knowledgeable man. Sorry that he has passed but he now will be with his beloved Carol. Farewell my friend, Bobby
Roberson Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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