Cuthbert "Bert" Corniel
October 26, 1946 - April 16, 2024
Roberson Funeral Home
Rosanne Chandler
Ted and Laura Barron
Nina Ganancial
Patricia M Hadley
Amanda and Zoey Sanchez
Kathy Kuulei (Kamakele) Kelly
Kelly Rafter Light a candle
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Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery & Funeral Services
45-425 Kamehameha Hwy
Kaneohe, HI 96744
+18082334400 | Map

An inurnment will be held at a later date in Honolulu, HI at Hawaiian Memorial Park. 

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Cuthbert “Bert” Corniel, 77, of Punta Gorda, Florida passed away Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at Tidewell Hospice House in Arcadia, Florida. Bert was born to John Baptist and Emily Corniel on October 26, 1946, in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Bert was in the United States Army during Vietnam as a CID officer.  He then worked as a…

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Rosanne Chandler left a message on January 23, 2025:
He was the consummate gentleman, always looking out for women’s safety. He was a man with a beautiful soul.
Vera K left a message on May 2, 2024:
Uncle Bert helped the family since I can remember as a child. He helped protect us. I am grateful for all he’s done. Growing up we always called him “Uncle the cop.” I remember when he would visit my grandparents, he called his father, my grandpa, Chief. It was always nice to see him and the rest of the family during the holidays. Thanksgiving dinners at my grandparents house were a very special time. I’m going to miss the most recent holidays too. We grew closer after my mother, his sister, passed. I can imagine the reunion he’s having with everyone in Heaven. I’m going to miss your laughter. You cracked up laughing when you mentioned how as kids, you’d take your Aunty Hattie’s candy when she wasn’t looking because you knew where she hid them. I Love you Uncle and we’ll miss you. My heart goes out to Aunty Lorry, Janet, Kimberly and their families.
Wendi and family left a message on April 28, 2024:
My dear Fairy God Dad, Thank you for everything. Missing you. Rest easy. With love , The Welty’s
Gilly Paresa Iorg left a message on April 25, 2024:
Uncle Bert had an award winning smile, everytime I think of him I see him smiling. He was the baby, and got teased for it, but all in good fun. His will be missed, but not for long. I can only imagine the reunion with mommy ...
Ted Barron left a message on April 23, 2024:
The best memory I have with Bert is when he shared the story of his first rental apartment. He had rented it to a judge and he was in the army at the time. But his neighbors kept sending him messages about all the noise going on coming from the house. So he took some leave and checked on the apartment and found an old woman living there with 26 birds that he didn't know. The judge didn't have permission to sublet. So when he walked into the apartment the birds were screeching and flying all over the apartment and bird droppings everywhere. He said he had a good laugh now every time he thinks about it but at the time he wasn't so amused. He never did get any money from the judge to clean it out so it was all at his own cost. So he laughed every-time he thought about it because he couldn't believe what he saw inside that apartment!
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Ted and Laura Barron left a message on April 23, 2024:
We are so very sad to lose our dear friend Bert. We are sending love and support to Lori. He had so many great stories from his work life. Does anyone want to share them? We are looking into attending the service. May the Blessings Be
Laurie Souza left a message on April 21, 2024:
My Uncle was not just a family member, he was my advisor during most of my life. He loved and cherished my mom and she adored her younger brother. Uncle was very close to my dad as well and remained faithful until their final day' as brothers in law. . I admired him because of his caring and compassionate character and his laughter and humor was one of a kind. I will miss him terribly. My prayers are with his beloved daughters and grandchildren together with his loving and loyal wife Lorrie.
Nicole Smith left a message on April 20, 2024:
Bert was one of a kind. I could listen to his stories for hours. An incredible life lived. Always with a smile and full of passion. Never would hesitate to help someone in need. Bert will always have a place in my heart. Sending our love to Lorry and family.
Nina Ganancial left a message on April 19, 2024:
My Deepest Condolences.. Bert was a kind, caring man. I was fortunate to have worked with him.. He will be surely missed by all that knew him. My prayers to all his family 💐 💜
Patricia M Hadley left a message on April 19, 2024:
In memory of Cuthbert "Bert" Corniel, Patricia M Hadley lit a candle
Amanda and Zoey Sanchez left a message on April 19, 2024:
Hi Kim and family, our condolences to you and your family in this time. So sorry to hear about your loss and may he rest in peace. With love from our family to yours.
Kathy Kuulei (Kamakele) Kelly left a message on April 19, 2024:
R.I.P. Bert ❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️
Kelly Rafter left a message on April 19, 2024:
God Bless you & your family as you lay your dad to rest. He will be eternally remembered... Love to you all!
Roberson Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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