James "Jim" G. Meloy
April 7, 1948 - August 10, 2021
Roberson Funeral Home
Ken Brink
Ken Brink
Adela Gentry
MaryHolly Allison & Ben Crosby
Linda Himes Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

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Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery
7204 Co. Rd. 234
Gainesville, Florida 32641
1-352-317-7307 | Map

Private interment will be in the Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery, Gainesville, Florida.

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James G. Meloy, 73, of Port Charlotte, Florida died Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at home. He was born April 7, 1948 in Madison, Wisconsin to the late John L. and Alice (Goodearle) Meloy.  He moved to Michigan in 1991 and to Florida in 2013. Jim was first an aircraft technician for Sentry Insurance, serving as…

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Richard James White left a message on October 4, 2024:
Dear Sharon: I remember with great pleasure the visit that you, Jim and I made together to Remount Ranch, Wyoming in the early 1990's. It was very apparent that you and Jim were deeply in love, and that resulted in a marriage of 21 years- far too short! My sincere condolences to you and to Jim's family as well. Love, Richard White. My phone# and email are listed below. 585-364-1098 jimden@aol.com
Mary Hagan left a message on September 6, 2021:
We were fortunate to be in a spiritual group led by Jim and Sharon. Whenever he spoke, I knew to listen-up as it would be something wise/gentle and thoughtful. He was a benefit to my life.
Maggie Swetkoff left a message on September 4, 2021:
It is with a heavy heart that I say farewell to my friend, Jim. I will miss his pleasant, laidback demeanor, his smile, his laughter, and his wise and unusual outlook on life. He was true to his spirit and quite comfortable living true to who he was. My deepest condolences to Sharon and his family.
Maggie Swetkoff left a message on September 4, 2021:
It is with a heavy heart that I say farewell to my friend, Jim. I will miss his pleasant, laidback demeanor, his smile, his laughter, and his wise and unusual outlook on life. He was true to his spirit and quite comfortable living true to who he was. My deepest condolences to Sharon and his family.
Ken Brink left a message on September 3, 2021:
A generous being who helped many of us navigate the relationship between spirit and ego. Jim elevated us in spirit and eased our suffering. His shared knowledge remains with us like the stardust that we are born from. You shine in our hearts forever.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Ken Brink left a message on September 3, 2021:
A generous being who helped many of us navigate the relationship between spirit and ego. Jim elevated us in spirit and eased our suffering. His shared knowledge remains with us like the stardust that we are born from. You shine in our hearts forever.
Bill & Valerie Howat left a message on August 28, 2021:
We are so sorry for your loss of this wonderful companion and all-around good person. We are even more sorry not to have gotten to know him better. We wish you peace.
Sandy Fowler left a message on August 26, 2021:
Jim was an ‘old soul’ and was always so kind and encouraging. It was such a pleasure to reconnect with him via “Classmates” and to meet up with he and Sharon in Florida a number of years ago. What a delightful couple ! Adela, Amy, Jim, Sharon and Jeff, I am so sorry for your loss. He was a special guy, friend, father husband and brother. We can all only hope to find the happy place he is surely at.
Ginnydooley left a message on August 26, 2021:
So sorry that your Jim is gone. He will be missed by everyone in the community. I will always remember how gentle and kind he was and with smiles during the happiness meetings I didn’t have many with him or you because of the virus but you both helped with my happiness in just a short period of time. Hugs to you and fond memories. Ginny Dooley
Jorja Mely Greig left a message on August 24, 2021:
Ode to Bro: Your search for you path of totality is finished here. You’re on to brighter stars, into a universe so vast….I pray your spirit soars on…. Love knows no boundaries nor can it be dismissed. Justice is still blind and there will always be two sides to every story, and therein lies the truth. You’ll continue to live on in my memories of the better times when family stayed together —- And yes, Jim has two surviving sisters—I’m the youngest, Jorja, and Janice the oldest.
PATRICIA PRYOR-BONICA left a message on August 24, 2021:
I wish I got to know him more at UUFCC. Sentry Insurance was one of my first accounts back in the late 60's. A truly wonderful company and it seems a wonderful man I missed being able to get to chat with. Someday we will meet again.
Adela Gentry left a message on August 21, 2021:
In memory of James "Jim" G. Meloy, Adela Gentry lit a candle
Diane “Annie ” Turzinski left a message on August 19, 2021:
My sympathies to Jim’s family. Jim and family lived next door while we were growing up. He took myself, my sister and brother everywhere with his three kids. So many great memories. He was very close with my parents and they were very sad to see him leave the neighborhood. Even though their house and yard have been cleared for farmland, that sport on County Road J will forever be known to the Turzinski family as Meloy’s hill. Love and hugs to his family.
michael j krzyzkowski left a message on August 19, 2021:
HI Sharon, Jim will be sorely missed by his Tuesday morning coffee group at Bayshore Park. He was the natural leader of this group, and a great facilitator of the many and diverse topics. We had many a belly laugh between our discussions with a lot of fun poked at ourselves. Despite this, there were a great deal of very serious / emotional insights shared within our group. Again, he will be sorely missed. Mike K.
Amy Schuett left a message on August 19, 2021:
Daddy I will never be the same without you. I will always be your daddy’s girl. To many memories of you to mention. Send some bees my way so I know you are with me every step I take I love you so so much so much daddy
Myrna Charry left a message on August 19, 2021:
Dear Sharon and Jim’s family (that I never met) but whom he loved- So sorry to hear of jim’s passing - he was such an unusual human being - we crossed paths too few times - but each time it was special - the little he said was always dear and sweet - it was uncanny how his quick estimate of circumstances was always accurate - amazing! And he never knew how absolutely beautiful he was - seemed like the vanity fairy never stopped at his door. I’ll miss seeing him at curry and kabob!
MaryHolly Allison & Ben Crosby left a message on August 19, 2021:
Thinking of you, Sharon, at this time of loss. Sending condolences.
Linda Himes left a message on August 19, 2021:
Deepest condolences on the loss of a very loved man. May he live in your heart forever.
Ron Lustgarten left a message on August 19, 2021:
Sounds to me as if the world was and is a sweeter place, thanks to the bees, his gift of consciousness, and the grace with which he gifted his friends, family, and himself. May his legacy bring solace to his family. Rest in peace Jim.
cathy Bemis left a message on August 19, 2021:
Sharon my heart breaks for you. Life can be unfair.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Joe and Patty Oyer left a message on August 19, 2021:
Dear Sharon and family all, Please accept Patty`s and my heartfelt sympathy and embrace as you grieve the loss of Jim. May your family, your friends, your faith and the wonderful memories that will live forever in your hearts buoy you and guide you in the time ahead. Patty and Joe Oyer, UUFCC
Sharon Whitehill left a message on August 19, 2021:
To all my friends from Sharon: please, no plants or flowers. My cats will eat them.
Roberson Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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