I am sorry to here about trevor i am oscar's mother he was so close to kyle and oscar i am sure that they are lost with out him.H e was a happy person always smiling.michele barnes
I hardly knew Trevor I will admit, he was close friends with many of my close friends though. He will be missed that is for sure, I am so so sorry this happened to all that knew him. I know his sister Jillian and she is the sweetest girl ever and from what Ive heard he was one of the most charismatic, intelligent, and funny guy.
RIP trevor-October 17th, 2008-the day the world had a lot less laughter and far more tears
"Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death."
Good men must die, but death can not kill their names
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
---- Bible - Psalms 23:4
we will never forget you trevor! you brightened everyone's day no matter what. people you didnt even know were happier for having been in your presence and i will never forget you for this. cut down too soon but knowing everyone loved you, you will live on in our memories forever as one of the best people this world has ever seen. love ya man!
Trevor, you touched so many peoples lives with your happiness, energy, and spirit. I will never forget the many laughs we had together. You were a rare person, one of those people that we don't get to meet very often. I'll miss you trev, always and foreva.
Trevor was such an amazing person. I was just getting to know him as we, along with many other drama members, were getting ready for the up comming play. I will never forget the short time i had with him and he has left a huge handprint on my heart.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Trevor was hilarious on pirate tv and he was the best student at the school, he will be sorely missed by all who knew him. RIP Trevor, you will be missed.
I personally didnt know trevor but i always looked forward seeing him on Pirate Tv. He was defiently the funniest out of the whole crew and made me laugh till i cried. He was such full of life and his time came too soon. RIP Trevor you will be greatly missed.
We will always remember Trevor at Port Charlotte High.I became a freshman this year, and in first period we would always wait to see Trevor and commical apperences .He was a great honor to the school and i'm sure that his memory will always be remember in the halls of Port Charlotte. we love you and will keep you in mind always.
love, alex gunnard
Trevor was a part of our family. Wade and Trevor and all of the boys brought laughter and joy to our home. He will be greatly missed and always remembered and loved. Our deepest sympathies to all. The King family. Wade,Ty, Angi and Dave.
Trevor was the awesomest person i knew. he could make u laugh no matter what mood you were in. he will be missed by many as well as he was loved by many. i am so very sorry that he had to leave us so early in life. R.I.P Trevor!!!
I miss you Trevor. You will be in my heart forever! You always knew how to cheer me up. You made me feel loved...You will always be loved n never forgotten. Your a dear friend I love you!
Trevor, you touched so many lives with your big smile and happy go lucky attitude, may you rest in peace and know that you will always be missed and remembered.
Im so sorry for your loss are prayers are with you in this trying time.Nora, Heather, Amanda, Stevie
Im lost for words I remember the first time i met Trevor we had moved to port charlotte 1 week before the Singermans Trevor was a cute little kid with an awsome smile and a big heart for a little boy. I didn't get to know him as he approched High school but from what i have heard he was even that more awsome. my Heart goes out to the family. I know how much you loved Trevor you are in my thoughts and prayers such a young life taken too soon i know where ever Trevor is he is just as awsome.Love Sharon, Ryan Kevin , Jimmy
Hey Trevor, there's probably going to be a little less humor in 1st hour now that you're gone. Most of the time I hear laughter in that class, You were the cause of it.. It's not going to be the same in there anymore. I've known you for almost 8 years, since the middle of 4th grade when I first moved here from up north. You were one of the funniest persons I've ever known, if not THE funniest. I'm gonna miss you, man. I love you, bro.
Since middle school you were the funniest person we have met. Your time came too soon and we only wish that you are in a safe place and happy! You will be missed terribly and we hope that one day we will all get to laugh together again. With much love to you and your loved ones, rest in peace.
Joanne,Gary and your beloveds, my heart breaks with yours. Love, Jackie
Trevor was definitely one of a kind. I grew up with, him. Going to his house all the time in elementary school, going swimming. He's going to be missed by hundreds. This is hard on, everyone and i'm so sorry for your loss. He will be missed. I love you, Trev.
Seeing Trevor every week on Pirate TV always brought a smile to my face. I didn't know him personally but just from that small gesture I feel as though we would have been friends. He will be missed and may he rest in peace.
I have known Trevor since the sixth grade and he was one of the funniest and happiest kids i have ever known. He always had on a smile and knew how to make others laugh and feel good. Trevor will always be remembered as a pirate and for always having school spirit. My prayers go out to the Singerman family. RIP Trevor, you will never be forgotten.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
yo at first me and u didn't really talk cause i didn't think much of it but after i talked to u i have to say you is one of the best people i no we had so much fun in gym class how we had every body joking around you is one of the best people in this world but like everybody say if god took you away this soon GOD probably had a better place to take you and a better job for you to do well i am gonna get out of here b4 i start crying more but i will see you again soon well one day n stay strong like you always did much love to you and yo family
Trevor my boi. I have no clue what exactly to say this hit me so hard. You were the funniest kid i have ever known. You always knew how to put a smile on peoples faces when they were having the worst day. U will be missed a whole lot bro may your soul rest in peace bro. You are gone but u will never be forgotten.
Trevor, is the funniest guy I have ever met. Part of me is going to feel that way forever. I'm going to miss seeing him everyday, laughing with him and smiling; I'm sure we all are. This only reminds us that the time we have with those we love is sacred and not to be taken for granted. I send my condolences to his family, and all of his friends. and I hope you all take care of yourselfs.
Tervor is the kind of guy who knew everyone and is loved by everyone. He was the heart and soul of our 4th period Pirate TV. I wasn't as close to him as some other children were but he made an impact in my life and always cheered me up on a cloudly day even if he didn't know it. I'll miss him alot and our school,and our hearts, will always have an empty space in it.
Trevor was a great kid,I personally didn't know him but watching him on Pirate Tv and seeing him around school showed what type of person he truely was.I've heard some amazng stories about him and they all were god stuff. Trevor was the heart of Pirate Tv, he will truely be missed. My best regrads go to his loved ones. He may be gone but he will never be forgotten. God has an amazing Angel in heaven to keep him laughing just as he did for all of us. Rest In Peace Trevor
There is no way to understand or justify when the young lives are taken away! You are in our thoughts and praiers.
The Martins, Eric, Anna, Polina and Kevin
I'm deeply sorry for your loss. We are all going to miss him. He was the pirate pride at Port Charlotte.
Trevor it's been almost 3 months and still, not a moment goes by that I don't think about you. You were cheated out of a great life and I feel cheated on getting to watch you grow up. You were evolving into a wonderful young man, so cool, funny, friendly with lots of people who loved and admired you. I stand in your room every night and weep silently for my #1 son, my beautiful baby boy. Till we meet again, Love from your biggest fan, Mom
we will miss you dearly..
Trevor, I just started meeting you last year, you were so funny and made me laugh sometimes. I'm going to miss u and everybody is going to miss you, we love you.
Trevor you were always one of the best people ive ever known, and the fact that youre gone reminds us all dat life is short and we need to live it the same way you did; always with a smile. You gonna be dearly missed by all. R.I.P
I am so sorry for your loss. He was so young. I didn't know Trevor personally but I could tell that he could cheer anyone up even at the most difficult times. Sorry for your loss.
I didn't know Trevor personally, but from watching Pirate TV, and seeing him involved in school, I could tell he was an amazing kid. Trevor was hilarious. I'll never forget the smile he brought to my face each morning during Pirate TV. There were even times I saw him on TV, and would laugh until I cried. Without a doubt, he was one of the most talented kids I've ever seen. I was so shocked when I found out he had left us. I still am, it's hard to believe that he is gone. I do believe as short of a life he lived, that he lived it out as much as anyone could. Trevor was always smiling and laughing and was a true model for living life to its fullest. The day he passed, I will never forget seeing so much love and support from students all over the school, and that's when I realized how much Trevor impacted our lives. None of us will ever be the same anymore, and I feel blessed that we had him in our lives, as short as that time was. There's no doubt in my mind that he's in a better place right now, watching over us. Trevor will always be missed, loved, and never forgotten. R.I.P Trevor, we'll see you again someday.
Trevor meant so much to me, He was one of my best friends since middle school. Every funny moment I can remember in my life has that kid in it; I'm not sure if it is making this harder or easier. This has been hands down the hardest thing I've had to deal with in my entire life so I can only imagine what you are going through. We always hear about death on the news or read about it in the papers but we never think it can happen to us. When I found out about the tragedy that took place I was hit with so many emotions at once all I could think was it didn't happen, it couldn't of happened, not Trevor not him, it's not possible. Trevor meant so much to me he was always motivating me and I always tried to return the favor. He was always around to pick me up whenever things went bad, although I'm sure you know how well he did that for everyone. Everyone saw Trevor as a HILARIOUS kid that could make everyone laugh at anytime anywhere and never let anything get to him. Although I'm sure only his close friends and family knew of Trevor's most admirable traits which was his strong will and undeniable conviction when it came to things he loved and believed in. You could always see him running around in a teen-age mutant ninja turtles shirt but what many people didn't see in him was a strong person.
One of my favorite memories of Trevor, that didn't involve laughing until your lungs burned, was one day freshman year. It was the day of the FCAT and I was sitting waiting for everyone to arrive ,as I often did, when Trevor walked in. I waved, ha came over and sat down and I asked him what was up. He seemed like nothing was wrong just like any old day, but to my surprise he said to me my house just burned down. I replied in shock What?! He just said then yeah it burned down All I could manage to say was something along the lines of should you be in school? And I don't remember exactly but he talked about how he had to take the test and it wasn't a big deal.
It was at that moment that I began to truly admire Trevor for more than a class clown. In my eyes Trevor was and still is a hero to me. I'll always look back on that moment when times get hard and remember how strong he was, and I'll draw strength from the fact that I was one of his best friends and was one of the many ,and yet the so very few, that got to know him.
It was difficult writing this while biting the tears back like so many of us are trying to do to get through the day. Trevor was my best friend and I'll never forget him not even on the day I die, I know until then he will always be at the back of my mind helping me to be an all around better person. I love you TrevTrev and always will you were the original Van Wilder, and clerks.
I am truly sorry for your loss. Trevor never failed to make me laugh with his hilarious videos on Pirate TV and i truly regret the fact that I did not have the chance to really get to know him before his untimely passing. The incredible sense of loss that the entire student body at PCHS felt on friday should serve as a testimony to the awesome effect Trevor had on so many lives.
May god grant you all peace and may you find joy in the life he lived and the lives he changed.
Trevor, you are an amazing person!! I know that I didnt know you very well, but that doesnt matter. With the little time we spent in classes together, I got to see you and how you touched so many peoples lives. You always knew how to put a smile on anyones face and you werent afraid to act goofy. Soo many people look up to you. You will be missed greatly and we will never forget you. You are, and always will be, a Port Charlotte High School Pirate and Class of 2009 Senior Class Clown. Rest in peace Trevor Singerman!! <3
Trevor, you were such a good friend to all of us. Since first grade you've been with us, never faltering in how well you treated others. You never failed to bring a smile to our faces, even through the hardest of times. We miss you so much Trevor. One of the best friends we could have asked for. We love you.
Trevor, you are such an amazing person. You made a tremendous impact on all of your friends and PCHS with your wonderful sense of humor, laugh, and smile. We all miss you greatly and you will forever be in our hearts. R.I.P Trevor Singerman. We shall see you soon.
I didn't really know him personally, but I did see how happy he was and how much joy he brought to school. I remeber last years homcomming week when him and someother kid sang ice ice baby and when him and his friends made vidos for Pirate TV. Even If I didn't know him I'm sad that he has passed. I'm sorry for his friends and family.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
to trevor i knew you for a long time even dated you at one ponit in time that was in like 7th grade though i just wanted you to know that weather your here or not your still loved by me and many others i still cherish the great friendship that we had you showed no fear in anything that you did you always had your head up and were always ready for a new journey well now that your gone your still not forgotten just know that i love and miss you very much and you will always be in my heart <3 muah trevor love your boo
I know I don't know you.
But, i wish i would of got to know you.
We will ALL miss YOU.
I hope u had a good life.
I didn't have the chance to meet Trevor. I really wished i could have. He showed his love for acting and his Pirate Pride every morning on Pirate TV. He has been incredibly missed these last few months and he will forever be in our hearts as the kid who could bring a smile to anyones faces within minutes, the guy with the biggest heart, and someone who had so much potential, love, and support from family and friends to do whatever he could have possibly imagined. I am very sorry for your loss and will continue praying for Trevor's family, friends, and other people who's lives were impacted by such an amazing guy.
You where a funny kid and your time cheering people up was stolen from all of us, but u may have been lost , but u most certainly wont ever b forgotten .R.I.P. Trevor Singerman
Dear Joanne and Gary: Our heartfelt condolences to you, Jillian, Whitney and your parents. We were also shocked to hear about your great loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We love you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Seeing the reactions of everyone at school on Friday truly says a lot about Trevor and the life he lived. You couldn't help but laugh or smile when he was around because he simply wouldn't let you. Everyone who knew him truly did love him and will, without a doubt, miss him.
im sorry for your loss. trevor was a great guy and a great friend no matter what was going on he would be their for you to cheer you up with his sarcastic voice you could never be mad at him or stay mad for long he was one of the funniest guys that i know. i love you trevor i miss you and i hope that you are in a better place i will never forget you you will always have a place in my heart i wish the best for you and your family.
I meant Trevor back when the kids were at Neil, that was the first time he put a smile on my face. Then came middle school when I would take my daughter over to your house for them to hang out and swim. Then seeing him at the high school he always had a smile. My life has been blessed by knowing Trevor and I will never forget him. Our deepest sympathies to your famiy
I'm so sorry for your loss. We will all miss Trevor dearly, he will forever be in our hearts and thoughts.
We are so sorry for your lose.
You are in our prayers.
I worked with Trevor at Publix a few years ago when he was still employed there. I'll never forget when I first met him. We both did an evaluation with a supervisor together and he told us he sings songs while washing his hands to get them clean. That was the first time I met Him and I knew from then on what a funny and happy kid Trevor was. I offer my condolence as a way of sharing my grief as well as celebrating the life of a truly amazing guy. Trevor might be gone from this world, but the fires of passion and joy he left burning in everyone's hearts will continue to burn forever to set our hearts on fire so that we may do as Trevor did-- bring happiness, benevolence, and true joy to the lives of those around us. Thank you so much for all you've done, Trevor! You will be immensely missed.
With deep, heartfelt sympathy,
Michael Ingegnere
I love you Trevor Singerman! I know we weren't close but meeting you once was enough to know you had the biggest heart, that you were loving and you're laugh was crazy contagious! you'll always have a place in my heart<3
I met Trevor in the Seventh grade. He had such a unique sense of humor that is very rare, never met anyone like him. He lived his life happily. He deffinately touched everyones lives, even if it was 'so sweaty' on pirate tv, or just to make someone laugh to cheer them up. He loved with all of his heart, & made his mark.
RIP Trevor.
May God be with your family, may God give you the strength and keep you strong and give your family understanding you need during this time. My prayer are with the family.
God is Love
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.